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A member registered Jul 31, 2020

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The game is good. But when the enemies spawn they sometimes spawn to your location

Interesting game. I love the minimalism.

One question: Is Mindustry going to use this framework in the future?

(1 edit)

you can make a request on github. you can get servers for free. but low spec and have to renew after some hours. the fact that the game will cost money wont bother me. in fact he deserves the money. more than you can think. 

PS: there is a trello page:

and join the discord for more info and dev preview

and the game will remain free on itch (i think)


what is that suposed to say?

I know but he has not made so that you will watch ads. He is the best (i bought the game on steam to suport him)

you can with mods

love the idea

u got lucky

(1 edit)


this is a game jam game so shut up coz the theme was "the game was a lie"

This is a game jam game and the theme was "the game is a lie" and bill in this game is a lie so shut up coz u dont know anything about games and why theyre fun.

hi Anuke,

im the biggest fan of Mindustry (even bought it on steam) and I know that ur working more than much.but i beg you dont change the ui because the UI is what makes Mindustry Mindustry 

hope you will understand

have a great day

damn im impressed

This game was a good idea at 1st i didnt knew how to play but i got it 2nd it was fun